
CPU Monitor

About this app

The most beautiful and powerful cpu monitor for android! You are able to monitor cpu temperature and frequency real time, and analyze the cpu temperature and frequency history data. You can monitor the ram, cpu and battery information very convenient. The detail features including:

★ CPU Monitor
Monitor the cpu temperature and frequency real time, analyze the cpu temperature and frequency history information, and support the multicore cpu monitoring.

★ Device Information
Show the detailed device information, including: cpu information, system information, hardware information, screen information .

★ Temperature Over Heat Alarm
Cpu monitor will trigger an alarm when cpu’s or battery’s temperature is over heat, you can choose open or close the over heat alarm as your like.

★ Floating Window
Floating window show the cpu temperature, battery temperature, ram usage real time

★ Widget
Support ram widget, cpu widget and battery widget.

★ Multi-Theme
Cpu monitor is very beautiful and support multi-theme switching, you can choose the theme you like.


TLS Tunnel

About this app

TLS Tunnel is a free VPN that aims to cross barriers imposed by internet providers and governments, and to guarantee privacy, freedom and anonymity to users.
The available official servers use a proprietary protocol that we call TLSVPN, it is a simple protocol that protects the connection using TLS 1.3 (and TLS 1.2 optionally), the same used in HTTPS sites, with a self-signed certificate verified at the time of connection to avoid interception.

To use it, no registration or payment is required, just a functional internet connection or knowledge to go through your provider’s restrictions in case your access is blocked.
It is also possible to use your own server through SSH, (Private Server option), in the standard method using port 22 (SSH standard), or with connection text and SNI if the server is prepared to receive these types of connections.

The official servers allow the passage of any IPv4 protocol, whereas the SSH connection of private servers allows only the passage of TCP, UDP will only be possible on private servers if the server is running any UDP Gateway such as badvpn-udpgw, without the connection UDP, you will not be able to play some games online or access some services.
The official servers also allow you to communicate with other users connected to the same server through the generated IP, your IP will be accessible by other users and you will also be able to access other users, by default this is disabled to avoid security problems.

Remember that TLS Tunnel is completely free, but with the Private Server option, if you don’t have your own server, you can pay to have access to third party servers, keep in mind that TLS Tunnel is not responsible for private servers, so in case of problems with private servers, contact the server owner.



About this App

ParagraphAI is a world-class multi-lingual AI writing assistant for students and professionals. Built by engineers who have worked at Meta, MIT and OpenAI, ParagraphAI is guaranteed to increase your productivity and writing quality. Use our AI writer to Instantly draft articles, respond to emails, and automatically ensure professional grammar and tone. Ask AI anything and save time on tedious tasks. Welcome to the power of human-AI collaboration!

Disclaimer We are in no way associated with OpenAI, ChatGPT or its affiliates.


WRITE articles, essays, emails, messages and outlines on any topic you desire. Simply describe your topic — “an essay outline on Macbeth”, “a report about increasing sales” — and ParagraphAI will produce perfect AI generated text in the format of your choice from a short paragraph to a detailed essay outline and essay. Adjust tone and voice to further fine-tune your GPT AI text.

REPLY to emails and messages in an instant. Copy and Paste any email or comment and get an immediate AI reply in your desired tone – just indicate approval or disapproval. Save time responding to emails and leave it to your AI writer.



With dynamicSpot you can easily get the iPhone 14 Pro’s Dynamic Island feature on your android device!

dynamicSpot gives you Dynamic Island mini multitasking feature, making it easier to access recent notifications or phone status changes.

Just tap on the little black dynamic spot / popup to open the displayed app, long press the popup to expand it and view more details.

iPhone’s Dynamic Island is not customizable, but dynamicSpot is! You can change interaction settings, select when to show or hide the dynamic spot / popup or which apps should appear.

As dynamicSpot uses Android’s notification system it is compatible with almost all apps, like messaging notification, timer apps and even music apps!

• iPhone 14 Pro Dynamic Island feature
• dynamic multitasking spot / popup
• Support for timer apps
• Support for music apps
• Customizable interaction

• Play / Pause
• Next / Prev
• Touchable seekbar

• Timer aps: Show running timer
• Battery: Show percentage
• Maps: Show distance
• Music apps: Music controls
• More to come soon!